Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

It's finally here, 2012! Time to say goodbye to 2011, although it had it's share of good memories and fun times, it's a year I'm happy to see the end of. Every year I draw up a list of about 20 New Year's Resolutions, but this year I'm cutting down the list to something more manageable.

What 2011 taught me:
1. Sometimes if something seems too good to be true - it really is.
2. No one is going to remember you for working yourself to death.
3. Often, you're your own worst enemy.
4. Love has no limits.
5. Actions speak louder than words.

Plans for 2012:
1. Actually 'do' what I say I'm going to do and stop talking about it
2. Replace snacking with exercise
3. Start painting/writing again
4. Plan to go away for at least 2 weeks, and 2 weekends this year
5. If this really is the year the world ends...this list is a bit short..

Hope 2012 brings you bounds of happiness, good health and unlimited possibilities!


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